What Do You Think??

Friday, August 27, 2010

'Mere name is Khan'

It is a story of a man who had Asperger's Syndrome. The story brings some messages to me...
all humans are same,,,
Muslims, Hindu, Kristian, white, brown, fat, thin, tall..
the only thing that differentiates us is our heart..
The story tell us that there are only two peoples in this world,
"good people and do good deeds..
and bad people who do bad"...

Even though we different in colour, religious and family background..
we still human beings..
only our attitude differentiates us..
together we think about it..
to be a good person is easy...
no one would hurts us, God willing..
but to be a bad person...
everyone will dislikes us....
even God will mad to us..


affendik? said...

Mere name is Irwan. And I have the "I-like-to-teach-English" syndrome. Wanna be friends with me? Haha

syah_ayin said...

but i hope that you don't mind that i have the "love to learn english" syndrome...

Yasmin@Khor Le Kun said...

hehehehe....what a very valuble info...I like it...

syah_ayin said...

yes...maybe you should watch the movie yoursrlf..


wow, i didn't watch this movie yet, but from your writing, it makes me feel wanna watch it...

syah_ayin said...

hahahaha...well, you must watch it, its the best among the best...you will enjoy it..perhaps wiyh your tears..